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Wednesday, June 22, 2011.

Had a wonderful sem,tomorrow will be my sem 1's FINAL EXAM's FINAL DAY, FINAL SUBJECT!!!

After tomorrow 10.30a.m. The long awaited event shall START!!!!!!

Curtin or my Brain shall be CLOSED...FOR HOLIDAY!!!!!

GOnna Enjoy for 1 month!!

"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
7:51 PM

Friday, April 15, 2011.

Today's my birthday~~
In the morning, had 2 classes at first, 1 was the cool and fun programming lecture, then followed by chemistry's mid sem assesment.

After that, went out and had dinner at 883 with my friend ( colin, Ing tze,ying sze, matt,louis, rupeng). We had BBQ,+ Cendol+ ice cream!! It's super good there we get to eat lots of food!! and have lots of fun!!! ;D

"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
11:04 PM



It's one day before my birthday but SF decided to celebrate it 1 day earlier~~
So we(I,xian,fern,pui) the few left....went to citrus to have our dinner.

It's was a fun night to get along sit down eat, and chat...though mostly would be listening to pui and xian saying korean or japanese about the movie they watched.

But it's quite a memorable one and I do hope that we can gather more often before all of them leave to go on pursueing their own dreams :D

THANKS ALOT!!! Thanks for the card and the "lee fah" mee

"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
1:22 PM

Wednesday, March 9, 2011.

Okay so it's the 3rd day since my uni life started....
On Monday,most classes were cancelled cause we havent even started our lectures so....Monday was quite *yawn* boring...

But on Tuesday, we had engineering maths lecture....at first that was quite a heavy subject, it's just like additional mathematics....and the lecturer keeps on saying that it's hard it's hard..but then says mathematics is beautiful... So..personally after his lecture i feel that E.M3 is hard..
And we had some tutorial classes which lasted for...15~30 minutes and were sent off

Today, went through E.M3 tutorial class and actually E.M3 is quite fun, well that made me feel a little bit better...Then we had Malaysian studies in the afternoon followed by physics lecture..

To conclude, today's lessons are quite interesting and i think there's gonna be more to come~~

"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
7:54 PM

Saturday, March 5, 2011.

Well..went out with SF today

First around afternoon, went out and had bak kut teh as lunch together first, xian and fern arrived around 10.30 which was....sooo....early...i was third to arrive at 11.30 around that time,then rui ming arrived followed by qiu and yen , then, we went to parkson to meet up with charlotte..

Then the gang decided to watch some movie...so we went up to star cinema and bought tickets to watch "I am number 4"..Quite interesting...liked the part when they fight...which was...kinda around the end of the movie.

So...after the movie...it was like around 4 already and charlotte left...followed by rui ming...then qiu... so the rest of us walked around until..around 4 something and we decided to go back home to change some tracksuit to go for jogging.. But....unluckily..after we got ready around 5,30....it started to rain and jogging cancelled... :P

So...around 7...xian and fern came to my house and picked me up..then we went to double star for dinner...talked...and ate there until..around 8 then we went imperial to find PUI...but she's working so we slacked around...walking around until 9.30 when her shift is over..then we had some ice cream until 10 something then we departed back home.

It was quite a fun day to get to hang out with SFs again.. :D

"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
10:41 PM

Tuesday, March 1, 2011.

Well...i was back from NS camp on the 26th of feb 2011...
Reason: so continue my studies

VEry disappointed to say that i missed mostly the fun there.. for example..i missed flying fox, shooting, going into the jungle, and some water activities...
Well, let's just don't care about those now that i'm already back here, nothing can be changed..

So i went to Curtin yesterday for their orientation....First day...hrmm what do i have to say about this...Yesterday i experienced a super cold atmosphere...and it's kinda boring too, everyone's so shy to speak up......

Well...that was the first day..and today will be the second...let's hope things get better today..
Will try to keep updating my bloggie as i left it outdated for quite a time already~~

"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
10:06 AM

Sunday, January 2, 2011.

Going to national service camp today on 12:00

So this blog will be idle...until around march that time

:D Stay tuned that time


"Colourful" World, "Colourful" Life
9:04 AM

Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!